Oportunidades de empleo
This 10 week, hands-on, technical course is designed to provide students with an overview of the recording studio environment, equipment, platforms, and software functionality in order to prepare them to be capable of producing their own music projects.
Audio Recording Essentials 101
This hands on, technical course is designed to provide students with an overview of the recording studio environment, equipment, platforms, and software functionality in order to prepare them to be capable of producing their own music projects.
This class is for music enthusiast and techies of any level of expertise and interest. Students interested in setting up a home studio and putting on a producer hat are welcome. The skills gained in this course will also provide a solid foundation to move on to recording essentials 202 or to LAMusArt's pro recording engineering program
Recording Essentials 101 will cover:
The essence of sound in digital recording
The studio's configuration & signal flow
The theory of recording a sound and playing it back
Mic-ing instruments and voice
Using Microphone Pre Amplifiers
Using Equalizers & ear training
Intro to Garage Band, Protools, Cubase/Nuendo
Using Compressors
Using Reverberation
Knowing and trusting your monitor system
Creating a mix- where to start, how to finish
The essentials of automation
How to output your mix to the world
Audio Recording Proficiency 201
This hands-on, technical course is designed to provide students with a proficiency in the recording studio environment, its equipment, platforms, and software functionality in order to prepare them to be able to produce their own music projects and that of others from start to finish.
This class is for music and audio enthusiasts of varying levels of expertise and interest. It provides a proficiency and continuation of the basic knowledge acquired in the Essentials 101 course. Students that know the basic fundamentals are interested in a command of the studio environment, or are setting up a home project studio and putting on their producer's hat are welcome. The skills gained in this course will also provide a solid foundation to move on to LAMusArt's pro recording engineering program, Mastery 8000.
Recording Proficiency 201 will cover:
The Impact of control room acoustics on your mix and how to compensate
In-depth continuation of studio and software configurations and signal routing for efficient recording of drums, vocals and guitars
The creation and use of group, effects, and sub master channels for navigating small and large mixes
Hands on Mic placement for drums, guitars, brass and chamber ensembles, its history and why the masters did it this way
In-depth continuation of microphone Preamplifier techniques, outboard compressors, digital delays and reverberation chambers
In-depth continuation of ear training for vocal tuning, equalization, compression setting, and reverberation space
Hands on recording of drums, guitars, pianos, and brass
In-depth continuation of Midi sequencing and editing, with live and virtual instruments
Hands on in-depth continuation of Compressor and Reverberation settings, tips, tricks and benefits
Hands on producing of an artist tips, tricks, and professionality insights to getting the best performance
In-depth continuation of Protools/Logic, Nuendo/Cubase, channels, edit screen, mix screen, aux sends, effects, groups, metering, key commands and software configuration
Hands on in-depth continuation of automation setup, models, tips, and tricks and editing
Hands on setup and completion of a mix with groups, effects, sub, masters and automation
In-depth continuation of metering mix outputs formats for delivery to mastering, as internet media and for DVD authoring
This class is the continuing sequential audio engineering 10-week course, Mastery 301, taught by award-winning producer and engineer course, Magic Moreno. It is a hands-on technical course that is designed to provide students with a mastery of the recording studio environment, its equipment, platforms, and software functionality.
This class if for music and audio enthusiasts with reasonable foundation knowledge of audio, acoustics, microphone techniques and recording software. It is a natural continuation of the concepts and knowledge acquired and practiced in the Proficiency 201 course. Students who are familiar with the fundamentals and are interested in mastering their knowledge of mixing, tracking, creating beats, loops, slices, tuning, FX, and producing for their home project studio or professional career opportunity are welcome. The skills gained in this course will also provide a solid foundation to move on to LAMusArt's pro recording engineering program, Mastery 8000.
Recording Mastery 301 will cover:
In depth continuation and mastering of studio software configurations and signal routing
In depth continuation of Microphone Pre Amplifier and converter routing techniques, mastery of minimal latency techniques, and freeze edits
The expanded use of Groups, Effects, and sub master channels for navigating small and large mixes
In depth continuation of ear training for vocal tuning, and tuning software techniques
Hands on recording of drums, guitars, pianos, and brass
The in-depth continuation of Midi Sequencing and editing, with live and virtual instruments including parameter techniques
Creating beats, loops, and slices
Time compression and expansion
Hands on in-depth continuation of mastering Compression and Reverberation settings, tips, tricks and benefits
Hands on producing of an artist. Tips, tricks, and professional insights to getting a best performance
The mastery of software edit screens, mix screens, aux sends, effects, groups, metering, key commands and software configuration
Hands in-depth continuation of automation setup, models, tips, and tricks and editing
Hands on setup and completion of a mix with groups, effects, sub masters and automation
In-depth continuation of metering mix output formats for delivery to mastering, for CD fabrication, internet media, and DVD authoring.
Mixing & Editing 401
This is a hands-on technical course that is designed to provide students with a mastery of the recording studio environment, its equipment, platforms, and software functionality.
This class is for music and audio enthusiasts with a proficient foundation knowledge of audio, acoustics, microphone techniques and recording software. It is the natural continuation of the concepts and knowledge acquired and practiced in the Mastery 301 course. Students who are comfortable with the fundamentals and are interested in mastering their knowledge of mixing, tracking, creating beats, loops, slices, tuning, FX, and producing for their home project studio or professional career opportunity are welcome. The skills gained in this course will also provide a solid foundation to move on to LAMusArt's pro recording and post production audio engineering programs, Mastery 8000 & Film 9000
Mixing & Editing 401 will cover:
In-depth examination and user proficiency of studio and software configurations and signal routing
In-depth examination and mastery of Microphone Pre Amps and converter routing techniques- The practical use of minimal latency and freeze edits
The proficient use of Groups, Auxs, Effects, and Sub Master Channels for navigating large mixes on various software's
In-depth ear training and vocal tuning techniques, tuning software tips and tricks for creating a natural and sensation driven effects
Hands on recording of Guitars, Percussion, and Brass
Editing Midi parameters, with live and virtual instruments including synthesizes programing techniques.
Mastery of creating beats, loops and slices
Practical hands on use of Time compression and Expansion
Examination and mastery of Compression and Reverberation, including parameter settings, tips, tricks and ambiance styles
Hands on producing of an artist- tips, tricks, and professional insights to inspiring the best performance from an artist
The examination and proficiency of software wave form editing, vocal comping and bouncing
A proficiency in mix automation setup, modes ,tips, and tricks, and editing
Proficient setup and manipulation of a mix with groups, effect chains, insert and send effects, returns, sub masters and automation
Proficient knowledge of mix metering, output formats and delivery expectations for mastering, CD fabrication, internet media and DVD authoring
Proficiency in strategies for mixing various styles of music, commercials, and video presentations
Individual instrument mixing techniques for blend, texture, and ambient considerations
Mix depth and panorama techniques for headphones, speaker systems, and computer formats
Vocal effects chains, vocal/track mix techniques, sibilance treatment, male/female reverberation considerations
Layering and texture techniques for back ground vocals and choral tracking and mixing
The execution of a state-of-the-art dynamic presence mix that will play correctly on systems from phones to stadiums
Ultimate confidence in mic selection, room selection, equipment choices, listening parameters, preproduction strategies, tracking strategies, rhythm section ambiences/dynamics, mix construction, mix corrections, presentation, checking, rough mixes, and output delivery