COLOR: All ads are in full color, CMYK mode.
SIZE: FULL PAGE Size: 5.5” x 8.5” (portrait orientation only) HALF PAGE Size: 5.5″ x 4.25” (landscape orientation only) QUARTER PAGE Size: 2.75”x 4.25” (portrait orientation only)
DOCUMENT FORMAT: 350 dpi PDF and original document (Photoshop File preferred) with imported images and fonts in case corrections are needed. All around bleeds of .125”
DELIVERY METHOD AND CONTACT INFO: Please submit artwork to Manny Prieto by email or mail on a CD . Email: Phone: 323.262.7734 Mail: 3630 East Third Street, Los Angeles, CA 90063
DEADLINE: November 18, 2019
Proceeds support arts education programs for the Los Angeles Music and Art School. Contributions are tax deductible over fair market value of goods/services received.
Tax ID# 95-6001948